Pink venison roast with rosemary-roasted root vegetables by head chef Magnus Blomgren



4 people

  • Netted venison roast 800 g

  • Rosemary 1 large sprig

  • Garlic 4 slices

  • Butter 50 g

  • Rapeseed oil ½ dl

  • Salt and black pepper

  • Fast potatoes 800 g

  • Whipped cream 4 dl

  • Game fund or calf fund 4 dl

  • Maizena 1 tbsp

  • Carrot 200 g

  • Parsnip 200 g

  • Celeriac 200 g

  • Fennel 200 g

  • Jelly for serving


  1. Season the french fries with plenty of salt and pepper.

  2. Then fry it golden in rapeseed oil and butter in a frying pan.

  3. At the end of the frying, put rosemary and garlic in the pan and pour the meat so it takes a good taste of the spices.

  4. Make sure that the pan is not too hot so that it burns. The frying fat and spices should be used later for the sauce.

  5. Then bake the meat in the oven at 95 degrees for about 1 ½ hour or until the meat has an indoor temperature of 52 degrees. Then the steak turns wonderfully pink.

  6. Let the meat rest on a cutting board.

  7. Roast the roots that you have cut into fine even pieces with rapeseed oil, salt and pepper in the oven. 225 degrees for 30 minutes or until they have a nice color and are soft.

  8. While the root vegetables are in the oven, make the sauce.

  9. Take the frying pan that the meat is fried and baked in with all the goodies left. Pour in the stock and cream and cook to a smooth consistency. Season with salt and pepper.

  10. Before serving, heat the meat in the hot oven for about 5 minutes. Just to get the heat up a bit.

  11. Cut the meat into about 1 cm thick slices and serve with the roasted root vegetables, cream sauce, boiled potatoes and jelly.

Enjoy your meal

Recipe by @chefmagnusswe Chef at @wardshusetullawinbladh


Roasted raw steak on red deer


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